The FormRow component is a helper to more easily achieve often used DNB form layout setups.
Fieldset and Legend
By default a FormRow
is using the <fieldset>
and <legend>
HTML elements - if a label property is provided.
Layout direction
The default direction is horizontal
You can combine several FormRow's (example below) and the direction to achieve the wanted UX layout. You can also send the layout properties along from a FormSet (example below).
There are three possible layout properties for the FormRow children:
Children's label directiondirection
Children components directionvertical
Forces both to be vertically
The property: <FormRow label_direction="vertical"> <Input label="Label:" right /> <Input label="Label:" /> </FormRow>
The property: <FormRow direction="vertical"> <Input label="Label:" bottom /> <Input label="Label:" /> </FormRow>
The property: <FormRow vertical> <Input label="Label:" bottom /> <Input label="Label:" /> </FormRow>
This is how it looks if you don't make any definitions.
<FormRow> <Input label="Label:" right /> <Input label="Label:" /> </FormRow>
To give a FormRow space, properties from Space are supported:
{/* The FormRow will then have a "margin-top: 2.5rem;" */} <FormRow top="large x-small"> <Input label="Input label">Value</Input> </FormRow> {/* ... or go crazy */} <FormRow top="large medium small"> <Input label="Input label">Value</Input> </FormRow>
You can send down the FormRow
as an application-wide property (Context). More info about the provider usage.
The FormRow component provides by default responsiveness.
But if you also want the form components to be responsive. E.g. the label of the input should be wrapped to be vertical / above the input, then you have to set the responsive
prop to true
<FormRow responsive={true}> <Input label="Input label">Value</Input> </FormRow>
Wrapping happens then if the viewport (screen) is less than max-width: 40em
You can also make use of the helper class, e.g. <FormRow className="dnb-responsive-component">...</FormRow>